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LiebherrRefrigeration and freezing
RefrigeratorsFreezersWine refrigeratorsCommercial appliancesServiceExperience LiebherrOther product segmentsUnited States of America (en)
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Our responsibility: Sustainability goal of Liebherr Appliances

Our appliances drive that desire for excellence. And a little electricity.The only resources that we use wastefully are ideas. Our appliances are thought-out down to the last detail, exceedingly efficient and markedly sustainable. Built to the highest energy rating specifications to help protect the environment. Our products are not soulless appliances, but reliable partners can help and support you in everyday life. Find out what our efficiency champions can do for you.

Our appliances drive that desire for excellence. And a little electricity.

The only resources that we use wastefully are ideas. Our appliances are thought-out down to the last detail, exceedingly efficient and markedly sustainable. Built to the highest energy rating specifications to help protect the environment. Our products are not soulless appliances, but reliable partners can help and support you in everyday life. Find out what our efficiency champions can do for you.

A pioneer in sustainability

We aim to fulfill our responsibility to society in general and to the environment. Fully. In every important stage of the product life cycle.

Specific measures and objectives for the future can be found in the current Corporate Responsibility Report.

Our bit for the environment

Private household

Reduce consumption, not power.

Fridges for consumers