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LiebherrRefrigeration and freezing
RefrigeratorsFreezersWine refrigeratorsCommercial appliancesServiceExperience LiebherrOther product segmentsUnited States of America (en)
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Operating instructions

Simply enter the 9-digit service number (Service no.) or serial number (Serial no.) of your refrigerator or freezer.

Find your service and serial number here

The unique service (Service no.) and serial numbers (Serial no.) Of your appliance are on the serial tag located inside the appliance. The location of the serial tag can vary from appliance to appliance. You can find an exact description of the location of the serial tag on our information page.

Do you have any questions or would you like some advice?

Are you looking for a new refrigerator or freezer? Just tell us what is important to you and we will find the right model to suit your needs. Do you already have one of our refrigerators or freezers and would like some advice on use and handling? Get in touch with us. We will be happy to assist you.

You can reach us by telephone from Monday to Friday 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. EST

Service Residential Hotline

+1 866 543 2437

Service Commercial Hotline

+1 844 542 6782

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