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LiebherrRefrigeration and freezing
RefrigeratorsFreezersWine refrigeratorsCommercial appliancesServiceExperience LiebherrOther product segmentsUnited States of America (en)
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Original accessories, spare parts and extended guarantee

In addition to comprehensive series equipment, you can customize our refrigerators and freezers to suit your exact needs with a range of accessories. All functional parts in our appliances are tested for a service life of 15 years. And in case, contrary to expectations, a small detail no longer meets your requirements, we keep all essential spare parts in stock for well over 10 years.

Practical accessories for every need.

Organizational systems

A refrigerator compartment design to suit your needs: If you want to sort your groceries clearly, you could use the VarioSafe, VarioBoxes, variable egg trays and the FlexSystem. Alternatively, additional bottle shelves and clip-on labeling systems provide a clear overview of wine stocks.

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Useful help of all kinds

From the butter dish that you can use with one hand to the easy-fill ice cube tray with a lid or the handy freezer tray, the range of accessories offers plenty of smart solutions for serving food and keeping it fresh.

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