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The DPVG axial piston variable displacement pump for closed circuits, with a through drive of up to 130 percent, is designed for extreme loads, high reliability, and long service life. It provides the ideal solution for a wide range of applications and drive systems across various industries. The use of hydrostatic swashplate bearings in nominal sizes 85, 140, and 280 minimises wear and ensures outstanding performance.

  • Circulation - Closed

  • Adjustability - variable

  • Nominal pressure - 450 bar

  • Maximum pressure - 500 bar

  • Nominal sizes - 85 / 108 / 140 / 165 / 280

  • Areas of application - Agriculture and forestry / Building construction and civil engineering / Machinery and plant construction / Maritime applications / Mining / Special vehicles

product image 0
Max. driving power [Pmax]
209 - 508 kW
Max. torque [Mmax]
604 - 1,940 Nm
Nominal pressure [pN] (bar)450450450450450
Maximum pressure [pmax] (bar)500500500500500
Displacement volume [Vg max] (cm³)88.4107.7140.2167.8283.4
Max. speed at Vg max [nmax] (rpm)3,3003,0002,8502,7002,500
Volume flow at Vg max and nmax [qv max] (l/min)291323400453709
Max. driving power [Pmax] (kW)209232287325508
Max. torque [Mmax] (Nm)6047379591,1491,940