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LiDIA - engine diagnostic solution
Keep your engine at peak performance

Our digital solutions are your added value: modular and easy to adapt into every ecosystem

With a consistently modular approach, Liebherr's components product segment provides you with valuable building blocks for your ecosystem. From a sensor equipped, connectable component up to the integration in your existing application. The basic idea is always to generate useful information from the raw data and make it available where it is needed to add value to your processes.

Modular and easy to adapt

We offer our customers solutions that can be easily integrated into their ecosystems by using standard and state-of-the-art technology.

Customer focus

We develop digital solutions in close cooperation with our customers. We see ourselves as a competent development partner with a rich portfolio of products and services.

Holistic solutions

As an expert and supplier of End2End connectivity solutions, we offer products as a building block or as part of own solutions, covering all customer needs.

Our digital solutions are your added value

We generate data with integrated sensors

Our components generate the required data, anytime and anywhere. Our own and third-party sensors are integrated in the best possible way and tested under the expected conditions.

Examples of Digital Products and Services

Improve uptime and equipment effectiveness with LiDIA diagnostic tool

Using diagnostics tools allows customers to properly care for the engine system while maximising uptime and equipment availability. Liebherr’s diagnostics tool LiDIA is an intuitive and user-friendly engine diagnostics tool, which requires no configuration and reduces the complexity of diagnostic procedures to the essentials.

Want to know more?

Contact our local sales team or follow us on our Linkedin channel