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Press releases | 2025/01/22

New bottom-slewing crane series: Liebherr upgrades K cranes

  • Crane series with four fast-erecting cranes
  • Intelligent assistance systems available for new K cranes
  • Established models given a facelift with improved performance, new control system and new operating system

Liebherr has upgraded its established K series of fast-erecting cranes, making the machines future-ready. Intelligent assistance systems for bottom-slewing cranes are no longer a distant promise; they are now available for all current K series cranes.

Compared to its predecessor, the 43 K delivers another two metres of radius and four metres of hook height. Its maximum jib head lifting capacity has been increased by 200 kilograms.

K series cranes have been in action on construction sites around the world for years. They are continually improved further and adapted to the changing requirements of construction sites. The latest cranes in the series, the 43 K, 61 K and 91 K, are available now as well as the new version of the 125 K.

As part of the facelift given to the successful K cranes, the machines can now be ordered with Liebherr’s five intelligent assistance systems. Smart functions such as sway-free load lifting without diagonal pull increase safety for people and sensitive components, while semi-automated lifts maximise ease of use.

Already established features, such as variable hook heights and manoeuvrability in tight spaces, continue to be part of the new series along with the familiar functions Speed2Lift, Load-Plus and Micromove for maximum lifting speeds, increased jib head lifting capacity and precise positioning of loads. The crane names now reflect the lifting capacities according to Load-Plus.

New control and operating systems

All new K cranes are equipped with the new Liebherr Control 5 crane control system. This consists of the control system, the Liebherr Display 5 and I/O modules. The robust and durable control system is already installed in the current L series of fast-erecting cranes and is used in a variety of construction machines within the Liebherr Group.

The facelift also sees the K cranes equipped with the new Tower Crane Operating System 2 (TC OS 2). It features standardised and intuitive menu navigation, with self-explanatory symbols and icons. A standardised radio control for all cranes in the current K and L series is another new addition.

From the 43 K to the 125 K: The cranes in the current series

The largest of the small ones: The 43 K, the smallest crane in the series, has eleven hook heights to adapt flexibly to construction site requirements. It achieves a maximum hook height of 30.2 metres and a radius of up to 35 metres. The 43 K follows on from the 34 K.

Efficient and economical – for maximum performance: The 61 K is successor to the 53 K. It reaches a hook height of up to 33.4 metres and a maximum radius of 43 metres. Another new feature is a luffed position of up to 30°, which offers greater flexibility on site.

A crane for every situation – the solution for every job: The 91 K brings with it all the proven operational possibilities of the K series and can be used for the construction of multi-occupancy buildings as well as industrial projects. It follows on from the successful 81 K.1 and makes the well-established bottom-slewing crane fit for future challenges.

The most powerful in its class – where size meets performance: The 125 K, which is the largest crane in the series, combines the performance of a top-slewing crane with the mobility and flexibility of a fast-erecting crane. The machine’s performance data has remained the same: it achieves a maximum hook height of 41.5 metres, a radius of up to 55 metres and can lift 8,000 kilograms.

Further Information


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Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH

Memminger Straße 120
88400 Biberach an der Riß