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Știri și comunicate de presă

  • 20.01.2025Press releases

    It`s a matter of control: Liebherr 120-tonne mobile crane with new LICCON3 control system

    Liebherr presents a further crane model with the new LICCON3 control system: The LTM 1120-4.1 becomes the LTM 1120-4.2. The 4-axle 120-tonne crane is also characterised by the new future-oriented crane design. In addition, the LTM 1120-4.2 is equipped with the TraXon DynamicPerform oil-cooled starting clutch and new driver assistance systems for increasing driving safety on the road. Liebherr will be exhibiting the LTM 1120-4.2 at Bauma in Munich.

  • 16.01.2025Press releases

    High-performance material handling technology at Spedition Trettin

    Spedition Trettin is a German family-run company, now in its fifth generation, that deals with the handling of municipal waste and the treatment of mineral waste. Three Liebherr earthmoving machines are used at the Gelsenkirchen site for material handling and loading and unloading activities. Trettin appreciates the quality of the Liebherr machines, the driver comfort and the quick response of our service teams.

  • 16.01.2025Press releases

    Slewing bearings of the future: digital, electric and maintenance-free

    Upon the development and production of slewing bearings and slew drives, Liebherr’s components product segment focuses on advanced technology to meet the growing demand for higher efficiency, sustainability and safety, which industries worldwide are facing nowadays. The possible solutions range from bearing clearance monitoring of slewing bearings, over to electrically powered slew drives and up to the innovative solid lubrication, each offering clear advantages to users.

  • 15.01.2025Press releases

    Liebherr expands aerospace manufacturing plant in Guaratinguetá, São Paulo (Brazil)

    Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS has decided to invest approximately €45 million over the next ten years in the extension of its aerospace manufacturing site at Guaratinguetá in the federal state of São Paulo (Brazil). This milestone decision is based on the company’s trust in the local economic market conditions and related governmental support, as well as on the availability of a highly skilled workforce in the region.

  • 14.01.2025Press releases

    Liebherr Crawler Dozers with LiReCon system deliver increased safety for Austrian Armed Forces

    The military training ground of the Austrian Armed Forces, at Allentsteig in Lower Austria, was the location for a special handover in the summer of 2024. Under contract from the Federal Ministry of Defence, Liebherr supplied two Generation 8 PR 726 Crawler Dozers. The dozers were equipped with the new Liebherr Remote Control System (LiReCon). The delivery was backed up with extensive training and instruction on the new LiReCon system. With the deployment of these teleoperable Liebherr machines the Austrian Armed Forces can safely execute driverless operations both for disaster recovery and for clearance of areas containing multiple unexploded munitions at the military training ground.

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