Folletos y documentos para obras civiles especiales
El área de descarga de la página de maquinaria de cimentaciones especiales contiene folletos, informes de trabajo, así como archivos de fichas técnicas.
Liebherr ofrece una amplia información y datos de rendimiento sobre todos sus productos. Encontrará las descargas bajo cada producto.
Informes de uso
Job report piling rig LRH 100.1 unplugged
Job report LB 30 put to the test
Job report hydromill LSC 8-18 L Munich
Job report LB 36 Kelly drilling in Koblenz, CH
Positioning System LIPOS job report
Compactación por presión vibrada con HS 8130
Job report LRB 16 - soil mixing
Job report HS 8130 HD reverse circulation drilling in Hong Kong
Job report HS 8130 HD dynamic soil compaction in Helsinki
Informe de uso de la LB 36 en Ibagué, Colombia
Job report LRB 355 full displacement drilling in Botero, Kolumbia
Informe de uso de la LRB 355 y la LB 36 en Colombia
Job report LRB 355 piling and drilling double rotary drilling in Frankfurt
Job report HS 8100 HD with slurry wall grab HSG 5-18 L in Milan
Job report HS 8130 HD & HS 885 HD in Hong Kong reverse circulation air injection drilling
Job report HS 8100 HD with slurry wall grab at Suez Canal
Job report HS 8100 HD with slurry wall grab in Zurich
Job report LRB 18 double rotary drilling
Job report LB 36-410 drilling rig
Job report LB 36-410 drilling rig
Job report LRB 355 piling and drilling double rotary drilling
Job report LB 30 unplugged in Canada, Calgary
Job report using LIPOS and MyJobsite
Job report LB 16 unplugged
Job report LB 20 Kelly drilling in Bad Buchau, Germany
Job report Kelly drilling with an LB 45
Job report slurry wall construction in Naples
Certificados, calidad, medio ambiente, energía, seguridad y salud
Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH