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Complexity made simple:

Our experts want to achieve exactly that in the category "Simply explained". They explain various pieces of industry jargon in a simple way that even non-specialists can understand what they actually mean.

Curved thing

We all know that a long telescopic boom bends downwards like a banana.

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Catch Bar Plus – enhanced safety

As early as the development phase, we take care to ensure that operating errors are eliminated as far as possible during assembly operations on our cranes, or that their effects are kept to a minimum.

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EN 13000

A few years ago, when all the crane manufacturers in Europe had to remove the key switch to bypass the overload system, the subject of the EN 13000 standard was suddenly on everybody’s lips.

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LTM 1650-8.1 NK system luffing jib

Assembling and erecting long luffing jibs in constricted conditions is always a challenge in everyday crane operations. We discussed the situation with customers and found a solution which will be available as from next year.

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TraXon DynamicPerform

Martin Dony from our Crane Chassis Development and Design Department explaines the advantages of TraXon DynamicPerform.

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Remote control

Alexander Wirth, Product Software Developer at the Liebherr Plant in Ehingen, explains the Liebherr remote control.

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Florian Trauner, Designer in the Crane Booms Department in Ehingen, explains the term TELEMATIK to us and shows what lies behind the revolutionary technology.

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Load Sensing System

Jörg Gebele, group leader hydraulic design in Ehingen, gives us a little excursion into hydraulics and explains the clever load sensing system.

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The finite element method (FEM)

Tobias Haller, a structural engineer at the Liebherr Plant in Ehingen, chose the "finite element method (FEM)" and explains what it means and why this method is so important for us as a crane manufacturer.

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The most beautiful crane moments

Marvel at the extraordinary pictures from the world of mobile and crawler cranes.

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UpLoad in picture and sound

You can discover our cranes as film stars in the video magazine. Start the movie!

To the video magazine

A look behind the scenes

Here you can expect exciting insights into the world of technology, crane construction and the most modern crane factory in the world.

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