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LiebherrRefrigeration and freezing
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Sustainability goal of Liebherr Appliances

Our appliances drive that desire for excellence. And a little electricity.

The only resources that we use wastefully are ideas. Our appliances are thought-out down to the last detail, exceedingly efficient and more sustainable. Built to the highest energy rating specifications to help protect the environment. Our products are not soulless appliances, but reliable partners can help and support you in everyday life. Find out what our efficiency champions can do for you.

Redeem your Climate Vouchers with Liebherr.

As your trusted cooling specialist, Liebherr Appliances proudly participates in the NEA Climate Friendly Households Programme.

Purchase any refrigerator with 3 or 4 ticks and qualify for the climate voucher.

Experience superior efficiency and German quality!

Simply bring your voucher and proof of address to our experience store. Please note that online purchases are not eligible for voucher redemption.

Discover how to claim and spend your Climate Vouchers today! Click here for more information.

Make an appointment with us now!

Viewing Appointments | Sales enquiries:
6226 2549 |

70 Tras Street, Singapore 079009

Monday to Friday: 10.00am to 6.00pm

Saturday: Closed, by appointment only

Sunday / Public Holiday: Closed

Double savings with Liebherr’s Climate Voucher Promotion!

Save up to $600 on selected fridge-freezer models and experience energy saving in style!

Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and conditions
1. This offer is valid only for purchases made at the Liebherr Experience Store, 70 Tras Street, in effect until 31 Dec 2027.
2. This offer applies exclusively to fridge-freezer models SCNsdh 5253 and CBNsdh 7653. No combination with any other offers or promotions.
3. By participating in this offer, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions.
4. Liebherr Appliances reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

Enjoy the saving now!

  • Exterior dimensions: height/width/depth 185.5 / 74.7 / 67.5 cm

  • Total volume 423 l

  • Total volume 423 l

  • Exterior dimensions: height/width/depth 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 cm

  • Total volume 331 l

  • Total volume 332 l

4 ticks energy rating √√√√

  • Exterior dimensions: height/width/depth 1,855 / 1,204 / 675 mm

  • Total volume 662 l

Contains the following products:

  • Exterior dimensions: height/width/depth 1,850 / 1,210 / 665 mm

Contains the following products:

3 ticks energy rating √√√

  • Aperture dimensions height/width/depth 177.2 - 178.8 / 56 - 57 / 55.0 cm

  • Total volume 293 l

  • Aperture dimensions height/width/depth 177.2 - 178.8 / 56 - 57 / 55.0 cm

  • Total volume 297 l

  • Aperture dimensions height/width/depth 177.2 - 178.8 / 56 - 57 / 55.0 cm

  • Total volume 246 l

  • Aperture dimensions height/width/depth 177.2 - 178.8 / 56 - 57 / 55.0 cm

  • Total volume 253 l

You worry about what you eat. We’ll take care of the rest.

Our refrigerators are consistently top-ranked. And not just in terms of economy.

Our efficiency champions are genuine all-rounders. Besides low power consumption, they also have impressively low noise levels, plenty of space for food, a long service life and enough power in reserve for when it really counts.

When it comes to efficiency, we don’t focus on only one factor. We keep our eye on several things at once. Or to put it another way: we believe that all good things come in fives.

Energy consumption: keeping it green

Our highly energy-efficient appliances allow you to contribute to environmental protection. The resource-saving operation also means reductions in CO2 emissions. However, you can also have a clear conscience with a Liebherr. We use natural refrigerants, for example and propellants with the lowest possible global warming potential (GWP). And in production we also fulfil our environmental responsibilities. For example, we are entirely switching over our European production sites to green energy.

A pioneer in sustainability

We aim to fulfil our responsibility to society in general and to the environment. Fully. In every important stage of the product life cycle.

Specific measures and objectives for the future can be found in the current Corporate Responsibility Report.