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Etihad DMU

The saloon and cab HVAC units are installed on high-speed diesel multiple unit trains manufactured by the Chinese company CRRC. The trains are operated by Etihad Rail, the national railway company of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on UAE’s first national rail network.

Products on board

Heating-, ventilation- and air-conditioning units for high speed train application


With extreme outside temperatures of up to 60 °C and occasional sand gusts, the HVAC systems must work reliably to enable comfortable travelling. Liebherr's HVAC technology solution ensures a constant, agreeable climate on board and can keep the inside temperature in the saloons below 23 °C - even with full passenger capacity. The HVAC saloon units offer for the pressure-protected high-speed train application an innovative redundancy concept and are equipped with a best-in-class air filtration system.

Other case studies - Railway rolling stock

FLIRT electrical multiple unit

Liebherr supplies to Stadler Polska series-produced propane-based HVAC systems for FLIRT trains (Fast Light Intercity and Regional Train).


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