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Combustion engines

For decades Liebherr has been developing and manufacturing robust combustion engines for diverse applications. As a result of this experience we understand the application-specific needs of our customers and are able to address these needs. Liebherr manufactures many key components in-house, for example injection system or engine control. Based on this high vertical integration, the engines impress with their unique modularity.

Diesel engines

Diesel engines from Liebherr are powerful, robust and reliable. Developed especially for use in offroad applications, they are ideal for tough environmental conditions. The engines, which have been tried and tested tens of thousands of times in Liebherr machines, are in demand from an increasing number of customers.

Gas engines

The high-performance Liebherr gas engines impress with their high level of efficiency and reliability. Optimised for operation with natural gas, biogas and special gases, they are suitable for diverse applications. Customers particularly appreciate that Liebherr supplies the units ready for installation.