
Market segments for Liebherr measurement technology components

Liebherr develops and manufactures high-quality components for individual, OEM and major customers in important market segments. As an experienced partner, we have extensive application know-how and optimise our components for specific applications. As a customer, you benefit from standardised as well as customised solutions.


Fossil raw materials/petrochemistry

The Liebherr moisture measuring unit provides numerous benefits - optimal resource protection is only one of many. Determine, among other things, the moisture in lignite and peat or the water content in various oils, coolants and lubricants.

lebens- und futtermittel

Food and feed

Safe and reliable in situ moisture determination in food and feed production. Benefit from the increase in efficiency and quality for the daily needs of people and animals.

chemische erzeugnisse

Chemical products

Whether aggressive fertilisers or abrasive pigments, Liebherr sensors are designed for robust continuous operation. Decades of experience in the concrete sector make our sensors strong.

mineralische rohstoffe

Mineral raw materials

Rocks, ores and salts offer excellent properties for creating something new. The Liebherr moisture measuring unit provides numerous benefits - optimal resource protection is only one of many. Determine the moisture in ores, gravel, sand and salts, among other things.

agriculture and forestry

Agriculture and forestry

An ever-growing world population demands an optimal use of resources.

Producing, processing and returning agricultural products to the cycle in a process-safe manner with Liebherr sensors and complete measuring equipment.


Technologies of the future

Shaping tomorrow's world.

Buzzwords such as Industry 4.0, electrification, IOT, autonomous driving as well as artificial intelligence are taking up more and more space in our everyday lives. How will we deal with it?


Thinking about tomorrow today

Working together for a healthy earth

Working with Liebherr for optimum production and processing of your products that conserves resources.