News und Pressemitteilungen
Aerospace und Verkehrstechnik
Liebherr receives awards from its customer COMAC
All good things come in threes: Liebherr was recognized for its outstanding performance and received three awards from aircraft manufacturer COMAC.
Press releases
Liebherr signs landing gear overhaul agreement with SkyWest Airlines
Liebherr and SkyWest Airlines have entered into an agreement covering the overhaul of the landing gear systems on board the airline’s Embraer 175-E1 aircraft fleet. The campaign is scheduled to begin this year.
Liebherr receives Best Performer Award from Deutsche Aircraft
A prestigious award for an outstanding team effort: Liebherr-Aerospace was recently recognized for its performance as a key supplier for the 40-seater regional turboprop D328eco®. The company delivers the flap and spoiler actuation system as well as the air management system for the regional aircraft.
Liebherr breaks ground in Brazil for expansion of its aerospace manufacturing plant
Liebherr has hosted the groundbreaking for the extension of its aerospace manufacturing plant in Guaratinguetá, in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). The facility represents a major milestone in the company’s plan to enlarge its footprint in the region.
Liebherr and GMR Aero Technic ink strategic agreement on heat transfer equipment repairs
Liebherr-Aerospace and GMR Aero Technic have signed recently a service agreement for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of Airbus A320 heat transfer equipment.
Liebherr overhauls 3,000th heat transfer equipment in its Singapore service center
Liebherr-Aerospace’s footprint in Asia-Pacific reached a new milestone with the delivery of the 3,000th heat transfer equipment overhauled at its Singapore MRO customer service facility.
Bharat Forge und Liebherr arbeiten an fortschrittlicher Fertigung für die Luftfahrt
Bharat Forge Ltd. und Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS werden zusammen an der Errichtung einer hochmodernen Produktionsstätte in Indien arbeiten. Die Initiative umfasst bedeutende Investitionen in Spitzentechnologien zur Materialbearbeitung und Herstellung von Strukturbauteilen für Flugzeugfahrwerke. Der neue Fertigungsstandort dient dazu, die wachsende Nachfrage der globalen Luftfahrtindustrie zu bedienen.
“For passengers to reach their destinations safely and comfortably”
Liebherr-Transportation Systems in Korneuburg (Austria) manufactures hydraulic systems for railway vehicles and buses in a workspace of around 11,000 m². The company has recently developed a new generation of hydraulic articulation dampers, which will be used in bus articulation systems produced by Hübner. Dieter Pflanzer, Director Operations at Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG, introduces the new dampers.
Liebherr-Aerospace erweitert seine Kundendienst-Kapazitäten im Nahen Osten
Liebherr-Aerospace baut seine Präsenz im Nahen Osten aus. Das Unternehmen eröffnet ein Servicezentrum am Mohammed bin Rashid Aerospace Hub in Dubai South, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Kundenservice-Dienstleistungen für Liebherr-Produkte gerecht zu werden, die an Bord einer Vielzahl von Verkehrsflugzeugen, Business-Jets und Hubschraubern zum Einsatz kommen.
Liebherr expands its MRO capabilities for heat transfer equipment in China
Liebherr-Aerospace is expanding customer service capacities in China regarding its heat transfer equipment by establishing a new infrastructure and thorough internal trainings of its employees. The goal: to respond even faster and more efficiently to the requirements of Chinese customers.
Liebherr auf der Aero India 2025
Als langjähriger Partner der indischen Luftfahrtindustrie präsentiert Liebherr-Aerospace auf der Aero India 2025 vom 10. bis 14. Februar in Halle J am Messestand J5.6 Lösungen für Flugsteuerungs-, Klimatisierungs- und Wärmemanagementsysteme sowie Fahrwerke. Darüber hinaus stellt der OEM sein breites Spektrum an Kundendienstlösungen vor, zu denen auch ein umfassendes Lifecycle-Support-Programm gehört.
Liebherr at MRO Middle East 2025 exhibition
Liebherr-Aerospace will welcome guests at booth no. 632 at MRO Middle East in Dubai (UAE). From February 10 to 11, 2025, the OEM will present at the Dubai World Trade Centre its manifold customer service capabilities.
Liebherr erweitert seinen Fertigungsstandort für Luftfahrt in Guaratinguetá, São Paulo (Brasilien)
Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS wird in den nächsten zehn Jahren etwa 45 Millionen Euro in den Ausbau seines Produktionsstandorts für die Luftfahrt in Guaratinguetá im Bundesstaat São Paulo (Brasilien) investieren. Diese richtungsweisende Entscheidung beruht auf dem Vertrauen des Unternehmens in die lokalen wirtschaftlichen Marktbedingungen und die damit verbundene staatliche Unterstützung sowie auf der Verfügbarkeit hochqualifizierter Arbeitskräfte in der Region.
Gold and Silver status: Nadcap audits of surface treatment technology at Liebherr-Aerospace
This year, two Liebherr-Aerospace facilities successfully received their Nadcap certification for their surface treatment processes: Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH, Lindenberg (Germany) and Liebherr Aerospace Brasil LTDA in Guaratinguetá (Brazil).
Liebherr and Azul sign contract for the development of workshops in Brazil
To further expand customer service capabilities, Liebherr and Azul have signed a contract for the development of workshops in Brazil to service heat transfer equipment of the airline's A320 fleet.
Liebherr delivers the 1,000th Airbus A220 landing gear brace to Airbus Canada
Liebherr achieved a major milestone with the delivery of the 1,000th Airbus A220 landing gear brace assembled at Liebherr-Canada in Laval.
Liebherr liefert hydraulische Aktuatorik zur Niveauregulierung an CAF
Liebherr liefert 1.632 Stellantriebe zur Niveauregulierung an den spanischen Schienenfahrzeughersteller CAF. Die Stellantriebe werden in die Stadtbahn-Wagen der Green Line in Boston integriert und heben oder senken einen Zug am Bahnsteig, sodass Fahrgäste barrierefrei ein- und aussteigen können.
Liebherr-Aerospace strengthens Digital Alliance
Data and digital technologies to improve aircraft maintenance and performance: This is the basis and goal of Digital Alliance, a group consisting of various representatives of the aviation industry. Liebherr has recently joined the alliance, complementing and strengthening the members’ existing analytics capabilities.