


Helmut Berger,工厂经理,Berger Holding

机械工程 多样性需要灵活性

机械工程是我们的血液。从工程机械到机床,Liebherr 自身已超过70年地提供高水平的生产。因此,我们对机械工程方面的挑战有切身体会。


为了确保我们的自动化系统适合如此广泛的零件,我们提供了从单件到批量生产的大型产品组合。如果要求发生变化,我们随后会根据变化的需求调整您的制造系统的产能。我们的目标是为您提供个性化建议,并提供完全适合您和您的生产的解决方案。最高质量、最大灵活性和可控成本 - 我们的自动化系统在这些方面为您提供支持。



- 小批量
- 批量 < 100 的系列
- 在多个夹紧装置中生产


- 从小到大的零件
- 不同的批量大小
- 所需的制造能力因最终用户需求的不稳定而波动


- 从小型企业到集团的广泛客户群
- 不同层次的知识:从自动化初学者到专业人士
- 个性化生产流程










对于中等批量和小批量,可以使用机械手 - 也可以使用抓斗更换系统。从单个机床装载到具有自动装料刀具或工件的制造系统,以及集成的附加操作,如测量或清洁。



对于较大的数量,随机容器内取物可用于分离无序的零件。借助我们自己的料箱拣选软件 LHRobotics.Vision 和强大的视觉系统,可以快速设置新的变量,还可以合理地实现不断变化的零件范围。


托盘搬运系统 PHS

Liebherr PHS 非常适合多变体生产,提供大型工件库,因此在低人力甚至无人值守生产中具有较长的自主时间。智能单元控制支持资源管理,有助于降低高混合/低容量制造的复杂性。


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** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

视频 托盘搬运系统:从单件开始生产

在访问肯普滕期间,我们得到了关于所有细节的建议和讲解,信息非常丰富。在这里,我们清楚地看到,Liebherr 作为一家脚踏实地的家族企业,是可靠的合作伙伴,代表着坚实的德国机械工程。

Georg Kauschinger,卧式加工主管,Rohde & Schwarz Teisnach

灵活、无故障并且易于保养 - 这就是 Liebherr。

Klaus Tollerian,生产经理,Herborner Pumpentechnik


We need your consent This map material is provided by Google*. If you load the Google Map, your data - including your IP address - is transmitted to Google and may be stored and processed by Google inter alia in the USA. We have no influence over further data processing by Google. By clicking on "Accept", you consent to the transmission of data to Google for this Google Map in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and at the same time explicitly consent to the transfer of data to the USA in accordance with Art. 49 (1) (a) GDPR. If you no longer wish to consent to each Google Map individually in the future and wish to be able to load the maps without this blocker, you can also select "Always accept Google Maps" and thereby consent to the associated data transmissions and transfers to Google and to the USA for all other Google Maps which you open on our website in the future. Please note that, in the opinion of the European Court of Justice, there does not currently exist an adequate level of data protection in line with EU standards in the USA, and at present we cannot provide appropriate safeguards to protect your data and offset this shortcoming. Possible risks to you of data transfer to the USA are that access by state authorities cannot be excluded and that your data could be processed for reasons of national security, law enforcement or for other purposes in the public interest of the USA, possibly without you being informed separately and without enforceable rights and effective legal remedies being available to you. You can withdraw consent that you have given at any time with future effect via the settings. For further information, please see our Data Protection Declaration and Google's Privacy Policy. *Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland; Mutterunternehmen: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA


了解 Liebherr 自动化系统的最新创新。 自动化系统


在我们的客户杂志上阅读有关齿轮加工技术和自动化系统的激动人心报告。 Liebherr 资讯


了解 Liebherr 切齿机的完整产品组合。 切齿机
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