Secteur minier

News et communiqués de presse

Secteur minier

Résultats 1-18 sur 209
  • Liebherr-Australia and Roy Hill announce new partnership


    Press releases

    Liebherr-Australia and Roy Hill announce new partnership

    On 11 February, executives from Liebherr-Australia and Roy Hill came together to commemorate the new partnership between the two companies. The celebrations included the handover of an R 9800 excavator that had both its bucket and counterweight painted pink to highlight the role the machine will play in supporting women and families battling the scourge of breast cancer.

  • Where there’s a will, there’s a way



    Where there’s a will, there’s a way

    When Ariane Figueiro first applied to work with Liebherr Brasil, it was against the advice of her loved ones. Taking a paid position meant giving up the disability pension she had been receiving since she was two years old. But Ariane was determined. So she took a position in Liebherr Brasil’s IT department in 2013 and never looked back!

  • Dossier de presse : Bauma 2025


    Dossier de presse

    Dossier de presse : Bauma 2025

    Vous trouverez tous les communiqués de presse publiés par Liebherr.

  • Au salon Bauma, Liebherr présentera ses toutes dernières innovations pour le secteur minier


    Communiqués de presse

    Au salon Bauma, Liebherr présentera ses toutes dernières innovations pour le secteur minier

    Cette année, Liebherr mettra en avant ses dernières innovations pour l’industrie minière, notamment le tombereau autonome à entraînement électrique par batterie T 264, la pelle électrique R 9400 E, le nouveau portefeuille technologique intégré IoMine, ainsi qu’une gamme complète de solutions de service.

  • Liebherr-Australia completes first repower of R 9800 excavators for Yancoal



    Liebherr-Australia completes first repower of R 9800 excavators for Yancoal

    In November 2024, Liebherr-Australia successfully repowered two R 9800 excavators for Yancoal – a leading Australian-based coal producer and exporter – at the Mount Thorley Warkworth (MTW) coal mining operation in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales.

  • S1 Vision: the latest innovation in material haulage


    Press releases

    S1 Vision: the latest innovation in material haulage

    The S1 Vision, Liebherr’s innovative haulage concept with a design that focuses on the core components necessary for moving material, will be on display at this year’s Bauma exhibition at the InnovationLab on the Liebherr booth. In addition, Liebherr's prototype truck is currently one of few products still under consideration for the Innovation Award at bauma, the leading trade fair in the construction industry.

  • Liebherr-Australia delivers five PR 776 dozers for Western Plant Hire



    Liebherr-Australia delivers five PR 776 dozers for Western Plant Hire

    In 2024, Liebherr-Australia delivered five PR 776 70-tonne dozers to their new customer, Western Plant Hire. Since going to work, these machines have demonstrated their top-notch reliability at a mine site in Western Australia.

  • « Hands on the future » : Liebherr présentera à la Bauma 2025 des solutions pour le chantier de demain


    Communiqués de presse

    « Hands on the future » : Liebherr présentera à la Bauma 2025 des solutions pour le chantier de demain

    « Hands on the future » : sur une surface d’environ 14 000 m2, Liebherr exposera à la Bauma 2025 plus de 70 produits d’avenir issus des segments de produits terrassement, manutention de matériaux, secteur minier, grues mobiles sur pneus et sur chenilles, grues à tour, fondations spéciales, technique du béton et composants. Toujours sous le même slogan, le Groupe montrera la manière dont il aborde dès maintenant les défis du futur et élabore des solutions main dans la main avec ses clients, en tant que partenaire fiable. Des pavillons thématiques et un InnovationLab inviteront en outre le public à s’immerger dans l’univers des technologies et de l’innovation d’aujourd’hui et de demain.

  • Direct from the pit: Fortescue’s testimonial about its Liebherr R 9400 E



    Direct from the pit: Fortescue’s testimonial about its Liebherr R 9400 E

    In December 2023, Fortescue and Liebherr deployed Australia’s first newly built operational electric excavator, the Liebherr R 9400 E, at Fortescue’s Cloudbreak site in Western Australia’s Pilbara. Since then, a second electric excavator has been deployed another at Fortescue’s Solomon operations.The successful integration of these machines into operations showcases the strength of Fortescue and Liebherr’s partnership and the companies’ shared commitment to decarbonisation and innovation.

  • Donner vie aux innovations chez Liebherr Mining



    Donner vie aux innovations chez Liebherr Mining

    Avant d’être livrées à nos clients, nos nouveaux produits doivent être testés sans compromis. Une démarche qui n’a pas de secret pour Lionel Oberhauser, responsable de groupe au service essais de Liebherr-Mining Equipment Colmar SAS.

  • Liebherr-Africa reaches 100th bucket milestone



    Liebherr-Africa reaches 100th bucket milestone

    Liebherr-Africa recently celebrated the manufacture of its 100th excavator bucket at the company’s production facility in Springs, South Africa. The bucket was installed onto an R 9400 excavator that was delivered to long-term customer, Tharisa Minerals.

  • Teamwork has no borders



    Teamwork has no borders

    In a strong demonstration of Liebherr’s spirit of collaboration and support between its sales and service companies, a team of experienced technicians from Liebherr Panama has helped Liebherr-Australia to deliver a large amount of mining equipment. This support comes during a time of exceptional growth for Liebherr-Australia.

  • 5 key takeaways from MINExpo 2024



    5 key takeaways from MINExpo 2024

    MINExpo is the world’s largest mining event. Every four years, professionals from mining companies from across the globe come together in Las Vegas, USA, to engage with the latest news, products and innovations from the industry. 2024 was Liebherr’s seventh time attending the exhibition, and this one was our biggest yet! MINExpo presented us with the opportunity to engage with our customers and colleagues from all over the world and prove why Liebherr is your mining partner. Here’s everything you need to know about Liebherr at MINExpo 2024.

  • La plus grande commande dans l’histoire du Groupe Liebherr : 475 machines destinées à l’entreprise minière Fortescue


    Communiqués de presse

    La plus grande commande dans l’histoire du Groupe Liebherr : 475 machines destinées à l’entreprise minière Fortescue

    Le contrat pour le développement conjoint de solutions autonomes et à zéro émission, ainsi que la fourniture de 475 machines Liebherr, a été signé lors de l’exposition MINExpo qui s’est tenue en septembre à Las Vegas, aux États-Unis. Cet accord entre Fortescue et Liebherr représente la plus grande commande de toute l’histoire de 75 ans du groupe Liebherr.

  • Liebherr and Fortescue at MINExpo 2024: together for zero emission mining



    Liebherr and Fortescue at MINExpo 2024: together for zero emission mining

    On 24 September, during this year’s MINExpo exhibition in Las Vegas, USA, Liebherr and Fortescue announced a historic expansion of their partnership. This expansion includes the supply of 475 zero emission Liebherr mining machines, 360 of which will be the autonomous battery-electric T 264 truck unveiled during MINExpo.

  • BHP and Liebherr sign new Global Framework Agreement at MINExpo 2024


    Press releases

    BHP and Liebherr sign new Global Framework Agreement at MINExpo 2024

    At MINExpo 2024, Liebherr and BHP announced the signing of a Global Framework Agreement. Built on an existing agreement, this renewed partnership solidifies Liebherr as one of BHP’s preferred mining equipment suppliers across the company’s global assets.

  • Press kit: MINExpo 2024


    Press Kits

    Press kit: MINExpo 2024

    All press releases Liebherr has published for MINExpo INTERNATIONAL® 2024 in Las Vegas (USA) – the biggest global event for the mining industry.

  • Liebherr presents its latest mining technology at MINExpo 2024


    Press releases

    Liebherr presents its latest mining technology at MINExpo 2024

    At this year’s MINExpo, Liebherr is presenting advancements from its mining, earthmoving, mobile and crawler cranes, components and aerospace and transportation product segments. The company has made a number of product announcements during the exhibition, including the unveiling of its autonomous battery-electric T 264 haul truck, the new PR 776 Generation 8 dozer, and the expansion of its integrated technology portfolio, IoMine.

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