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Motivation for sustainability in Ehingen

Protection of our environment and responsible use of raw materials are a key concern of the Liebherr Group. Liebherr-Werk-Ehingen GmbH is therefore strongly committed to efficient utilization and saving of resources in its building management as well as in production methods and processes.

Energy-efficient manufacturing plants

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH is continuously improving its manufacturing plants to meet new environmental standards. Halls, roofs, and facades are continuously refurbished to optimize energy. All new buildings are constructed compliant with the latest energy standards. Efficient energy utilization is ensured by an energy control system that manages the heating system as well as the lighting in the production halls.

Environmentally-friendly product manufacture

The subject of sustainability also plays an important role in production. At the washing bays, for example, a fully wastewater-free recirculation system is installed. Use of chemical and solvents has been enormously reduced by conversion to environmentally-friendly painting processes. And in the large-parts paint primer plant, a highly-efficient heat recovery process reclaims around 70 percent of the heat and humidity for further use.

Our complete approach to climate protection and the environment

Unser ganzheitlicher Beitrag für Klima und Umwelt PDF (5.5 MB)
Our complete approach to climate protection and the environment PDF (5.4 MB)
Notre engagement pour le climat et l’environnement PDF (5.4 MB)
Nuestra contribución a la protección del clima y el medioambiente PDF (5.4 MB)
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