Liebherr Wheel Loaders: the highest level of performance

The Liebherr wheel loader range continues to develop and is ideally prepared to meet the specific requirements of a wide range of industrial sectors. Currently, Liebherr offers various wheel loaders in four size classes: compact loaders, stereo loaders, all-rounder wheel loaders in the mid-range series as well as the XPower large wheel loaders. These reliable and efficient machines are particularly impressive due to their high level of productivity and versatility. The modern wheel loaders are designed down to the smallest detail for comfort, safety and ease of maintenance.

2,700 kg - 3,900 kg

Compact Loaders

3,750 kg - 6,550 kg


8,000 kg - 11,010 kg

L 526 - L 546

12,500 kg - 21,600 kg


Impressive across the board

For generations Liebherr has been providing innovative and creative solutions to the highest quality standards. The group’s many years of expertise are evident in the smallest detail in each of its products. This knowledge and experience enable Liebherr to offer its customers a high degree of efficiency and productivity in every area of application.

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