What's inside

  • Robust and highly versatile engine design

    Optimized installation space. External piping and tubing reduced to a minimum for a lower risk of leakage.

  • Low total cost of ownership

    1500 h oil change interval which means fewer service interruptions and lower costs for the end-customer

  • Best in class in fuel-consumption

    Thanks to a special turbocharger that makes engine more efficient and enables less fuel consumption.

  • Easy maintenance

    Thanks to a hydraulic valve lash adjustment system.

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Options available for the engine:

  • Remote oil filter

  • Remote fuel filter

  • Oil level sensor

  • Air compressor

  • A/C Compressor

  • LiDIA diagnostic tool

  • Engine Condition monitoring

  • Exhaust flap

  • Cold start (-25/-40°)

  • Coolant inlet&outlet

  • Oil pan (flat or central)

  • Oil filing pan (cold or hot side)

  • Generator 24V (140 or 180A)

  • Engine feet (transport bracket)

  • Hydraulic valve adjuster

  • Hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO)

  • Flywheel housing SAE0 & Flywheel SAE18

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