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responsibility and compliance

Sustainability laws are our baseline

The law plays a crucial role in fostering sustainability, providing a baseline that we are obliged to meet. However, we view legal requirements just as the beginning. Our dedication to corporate responsibility drives us to exceed regulations, striving continuously for growing positive impact.

Sustainability also considers the value of humanity, the balance between work and personal life, and our care for the environment. Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS prioritizes initiatives for the reduction of our carbon footprint and the preservation of our natural surroundings. Ultimately, the engagement for action constitutes our legacy for future generations, compelling us to act with foresight and compassion.

Liebherr Group corporate responsibility strategy

Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS is one of 13 product segments of the Liebherr Group. Sustainability and responsibility are important to all of the segments. Read more about Liebherr’s corporate responsibility strategy and policy.

Meeting sustainability requirements

As a globally positioned company, with worldwide operations and business relations, we understand the high expectations of our customers.

One path to proof we are meeting our customers’ sustainability requirements, is to answer the questionnaires of relevant sustainability rating platforms like CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) or EcoVadis.

Member of the International Aerospace Environmental Group (IAEG)

Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation has joined the International Aerospace Environmental Group (IAEG). IAEG is an impactful organization that provides a global forum to collaborate on and share innovative environmental solutions for the aerospace industry.

Liebherr's membership underlines the importance of its commitment to sustainability and protection of the environment. IAEG, a non-profit organization of global aerospace companies, provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices. This enables its members to work together on solutions regarding the industry's environmental challenges.


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