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The new truck mixer Generation 05 with its 8 m³ drum also impresses with a further reduction in empty weight, improved ergonomics and ease of cleaning. With this platform solution, Liebherr offers the greatest possible flexibility and safety for attachments.

  • Water capacity - 9.30 m³

  • Geometric drum capacity - 14.84 m³

product image 0
Nominal filling
8 m³
Water capacity
9.30 m³
Geometric drum capacity
14.84 m³
Clearance height without frame
2,488 mm
Hopper filling height without frame
2,464 mm
Assembly weight Standard
3,650 kg
Assembly weight Lightweight
3,235 kg
Assembly weight Super-Lightweight
3,110 kg
  • Video of the production HTM 05

  • Video Truck Mixer Configurator

  • Video EMC