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Do you have giant ideas? We have the right gearboxes to drive your heavy duty applications and your giant ideas that will impress your clients.

Gearboxes & rope winches


Each year, Liebherr manufactures tens of thousands of gearboxes and rope winches with the highest level of reliability and quality.The Group offers precision-fit gearbox variants up to large-scale gearboxes. Our range of services also includes customer-specific developments. Be it series production or a special solution: All products are subjected to tough and intensive tests.

Rope winches

Capable of withstanding extreme loads: Liebherr rope winches are distinguished by optimised drums and end plates. The high quality drum surface minimises rope wear and ensures a long service life of the rope and drum.


Liebherr produces and develops a broad range of gearboxes and rope winches. The comprehensive product program is underpinned by our application-specific expertise.