Even in the harshest conditions, Liebherr wheel loaders perform optimally. Specially developed components, sophisticated technology, and the highest quality ensure maximum reliability and availability.
Generation - 6
Tipping load - 9,300 - 13,750 kg
9,300 - 13,750 kg
Bucket capacity - 2.80 - 10.00 m³
2.80 - 10.00 m³
Operating weight - 19,600 - 21,600 kg
19,600 - 21,600 kg
Rated output ISO 14396 / ECE-R.120 - 183 kW / 249 HP
183 kW / 249 HP
Average consumption (per operating hour) - 10.53 l/h to the consumption calculator
10.53 l/hto the consumption calculator
Availability -