Refrigeration and freezing

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Our Liebherr appliances

Side-by-Side appliances

Generous capacity with numerous practical functionalities


Appliances with an additional freezer compartment for your frozen food

Wine cabinets

Perfect storage of your wines

Cooling technologies

BioFresh - The perfect climate for longer-lasting fresh food.

Crisp cherries, freshly picked lettuce and juicy pineapple - who can say "no" to that? It's good to know that fruit and vegetables contain all the vitamins and minerals our bodies need. Liebherr's BioFresh technology creates optimal storage conditions so that valuable vitamins and minerals are preserved for longer. The BioFresh safe creates a 0-degree zone in the refrigerator. Other areas such as the refrigerator compartment can maintain a different temperature independently of the BioFresh safe.

We know that you have high expectations of your food. And so you should. Enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables from our Fruit & Vegetable safe. in which our engineers have combined high humidity with a temperature just above 0 °C using BioFresh technology. The result is a 0-degree compartment in the refrigerator that provides 100% freshness and 0% ice damage. It easily keeps lettuce fresh for up to 13 days and apples and kiwis for up to 80 days.

While fruit and vegetables prefer a humid climate, meat and dairy products keep longer in a drier environment with low temperatures. In the Meat & Dairy safe, they can be kept for even weeks or months. It’s perfect for delicacies such as fine salami. Or treat yourself to a full-flavoured cheddar. you can make up a cheese platter whenever you want. That’s because the longer it keeps fresh, the longer it stays delicious.

On your table as fresh as the moment it was caught – with the Fish & Seafood safe, fish and seafood stay fresh for extra long at a temperature of -2 °C and low humidity. Thanks to our innovative development, with BioFresh Professional we have solved the problem of sensitive food spoiling quickly. What this means for you: every day can be a culinary holiday with Mediterranean food straight from the sea. Say goodbye to everyday stress.

Sustainability goal of Liebherr Appliances

Our appliances drive that desire for excellence. And a little electricity.

The only resources that we use wastefully are ideas. Our appliances are thought-out down to the last detail, exceedingly efficient and more sustainable. Built to the highest energy rating specifications to help protect the environment. Our products are not soulless appliances, but reliable partners that help and support you in everyday life. Find out what our efficiency champions can do for you.

Our history. A family-run company at heart.

For our company founder, Hans Liebherr, casual personal contacts were the impetus for new business areas. The entrepreneur learnt about a fridge factory for sale from the branch manager of his local bank.

Liebherr recognised the enormous potential of the products in terms of dealing with the product, sales figures and markets. At this time, only one in ten German households had a refrigerator - and with economic growth meant demand was rising. Hans Liebherr decided not to buy the company and rely on his own production facilities at the Ochsenhausen site in southern Germany. The first fridge was manfactured there in 1954, and even today, this is where we still manufacture high-quality fridges and freezers.

Contact us

Experience our appliances with Liebherr's authorised distributor! If you have any questions, we are here for you.

Cosmo & Company Inc.

Tel: 1577 4253

Monday to Friday: 10am to 6pm

Weekend & Public Holiday: Closed

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