Magazine | 05/11/2020

The journey of the stones

Gravel is a popular resource used in garden and landscape design as well as for concrete processing. Especially when it comes from Lake Constance. But how does it get there and what makes it this special?

The pebbles have already travelled a long way once they reach Lake Constance – because they come from the far away Alpine glaciers. There, snowmelts and heavy thunderstorms erode the rock material and flowing waters transport it as far as to the mouth of the Alpine Rhine.

This is where the floating gravel plant of Zech Kies GmbH is located. Herbert Zech, managing director of the company, started to shovel gravel out of the influxes of Lake Constance by hand more than 60 years ago. Today, he trusts the efficiency of Liebherr machines, which are in operation every day to extract gravel and sand out of the mouth of the Alpine Rhine.

In our latest story, you can experience the exciting journey of the stones from the Alps to the floating gravel plant at Lake Constance.

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