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Get things movin'

Job reports of earthmoving and material handling technology

Enough theory, let's move on to practice: Our Liebherr earthmoving and handling machines in use at customers' sites. We show you what tasks and challenges other construction & industrial companies have and how Liebherr machines can serve as a solution. Fields of application are carrying, tree care and forestry, recycling or classic earthmoving work.

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Earthmoving equipmentMaterial handling equipment
Wheeled excavatorsCrawler excavatorsWheel loadersArticulated dump trucksCrawler dozersCrawler loadersTelescopic handlersAttachmentsMaterial handling machinesLog loadersPipe layers
DemolitionWaste managementTree care & ForestryHorticultural and landscapingQuarrying IndustryRail constructionPort handlingTimber handlingEarthmovingMunicipal applicationOil and GasScrap handlingRoad constructionIngegneria civileTunnel constructionRecyclingSewer construction