
As flexible as our own range

Due to the high demand, the automation division of Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH has restructured the area of robotics and made it a separate department. The editors of Liebherr Magazine went to visit and had a look around.

Jürgen Groß, Head of Sales of Flexible Production Systems and Production Cells, greeted us at the entrance of his new area. “The great advantage here in this area is that we hear about everything”, he says enthusiastically as he looks over the spacious office that has been home to his team of co-workers since October 2018. “We benefit from extremely short routes here and immediate feedback, which enables sensitive project control – not just in quoting for jobs but also when jobs are taken on – and prevents the loss of valuable information.”

We offer customer-specific solutions from individual production cells to complete production systems – the main thing is that the robot is the heart because for us it is always the focal point.

Jürgen Groß, Head of Sales of Flexible Production Systems and Production Cells

Everything in one area

We pass desks with large engineering design screens at which CAD drawings for “Flexible Cells” are created. “We offer customer-specific solutions from individual production cells to complete production systems – the main thing is that the robot is the heart because for us it is always the focal point.” A few workplaces further and we find the desk of a co-worker who is actually employed in a different department: Christian Reisch works for the purchasing department but has been relocated to this department and is therefore physically part of the team. Being this close makes it easier to configure the robot with the supplier right from the planning phase. Furthermore, it is possible to respond quickly to the variance of the cells through timely procurement.


Small “gondolas” offer peace and quiet for meetings

“In this office, we have in effect realised the organisation plan of the department spatially”, says Jürgen Groß in describing the concept. From initiating the order and project management to mechanical and electrical design to control technology – they all sit side-by-side. Right in the adjoining room are their own laboratories with camera systems where customer-specific inspections can be carried out. At this point, we have reached one of the high tables in the middle of the room that are intended for standing at and holding brief talks. For telephone conversations and intensive discussions there are telephone cells with a table and monitor that are affectionately referred to as gondolas. Up to four co-workers can withdraw to these. A compromise for working in an openplan office that requires respect and consideration.

Transparency for optimum project flow

“We have laid new paths in terms of space and organisation”, reports Jürgen Groß. The functional three-head leadership of the department follows above all an interdisciplinary team ethos. “We are not interested in hierarchies. Our attention is on coordinated project development and outstanding communication.” Taking a look at ongoing and potentially incoming projects together on a daily basis is as much part of the day-to-day activity as “Lessons Learned” meetings, in which experiences and problems are shared among all participants and specialist areas. Information and responsibilities are transparent at all times for the entire team. This is thanks to a large organisational board.

At the same time, it makes everyone here responsible. Everyone identifies with our projects. We are all passionately committed and everyone fights to ensure that everything works.

Jürgen Groß, Head of Sales of Flexible Production Systems and Production Cells

“Since the areas here on the ground floor had to be modernised, we had the opportunity to define the layout according to our needs”, explains Jürgen Groß. This is where the restrooms, showers and lockers once were. Restructuring has opened up a bright and friendly office that offers room for a good 20 members of staff. “They come from all faculties because the more we know, the better we are able to minimise project risks. This is not just in the interest of our customers; it is for our main advantage as well. At the same time, it makes everyone here responsible. Everyone identifies with our projects. We are all passionately committed and everyone fights to ensure that everything works.” A quick glance around and we can see the staff nodding in agreement. In this area everyone really does get to know about everything.


The Robotics department team

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