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LiebherrAerospace and transportation systems
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Liebherr has been selected to manufacture major components of the high-lift system, as well as the folding wing tip system for the 777X, Boeing's latest widebody aircraft program built on the basis of the market-leading Boeing 777.

Products on board

  • Folding wing tip actuation
  • High-lift actuators
  • Power drive unit and hydraulic motor for leading edge actuation system

Special features

Liebherr developed the first wing folding system in commercial aviation. The actuation system folds the tips of the Boeing 777X wings with increased span to improve efficiency in flight and to ensure it fits at any Boeing 777 airport gate. Components of the mechanism are the angle gearbox, the power drive unit and numerous actuators.

Other case studies - Commercial aircraft


Liebherr’s optimizations in terms of operational performance, maintainability and reduced cost of operation are incorporated in its two major integrated systems on both Airbus A220 versions.


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