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From our magazine


In this interview, Jan Liebherr and Stéfanie Wohlfarth, president and vice president of the administrative board of Liebherr-International AG, look back on the past business year and provide an outlook on the anniversary year of the Group.


Conexpo in Las Vegas, a record-breaking delivery and new digital solutions: discover the highlights of the year 2023 across all Liebherr product segments.

Game changer digitalisation: from ego to ecosystem

Digitalisation at Liebherr means creating measurable added value for customers. Find out how the Group achieves this and where Liebherr stands in these transformative times.

Key figures of 2023

Revenue of the Liebherr Group in 2023
€ m
Investments of the Liebherr Group

€ m

Depreciation of the Liebherr Group

€ m

Number of employees