The technology supplied by Liebherr enables the operators of the H145 helicopter in the civil and defense area to fly with high precision and to keep control even in critical conditions.
Products on board
Gears for power transmission gearboxes
Hydraulic power supply
Main and tail rotor servo controls
Tail rotor gearbox
Special features
In its center of excellence in Friedrichshafen (Germany), which is specialized in high-precision production of gears for the aerospace industry, Liebherr manufactures the helicopters tail rotor gearbox.
Other case studies - Helicopters
The AW189 of the Italian manufacturer Leonardo (Helicopters) features systems from three Liebherr’s product lines: air management systems, flight control and landing gear systems.
Liebherr has developed and manufactures important equipment for the medium-sized twin-engined helicopter of Leonardo (Helicopters).
Passengers and crews of this medium-sized Airbus Helicopter can rely on Liebherr technology on board.
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