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Heavy duty cranes from Liebherr
Perfect solutions for every heavy duty hoist.

Heavy loads – perfect cranes

Heavy loads have to be hoisted all over the world. Often these loads weigh several hundreds or even thousands of tonnes. Every load is different, it is rare that these hoists can be described as standard operations. That means that having the right crane and the right hoisting concept is essential for every load and every job. This is where our full range of heavy duty cranes comes into its own – together with our services such as wind load calculations or static calculations for individual hoists. Our experienced fitters can support you on site during the erection, job and dismantling. And every hoist must be planned perfectly in advance – our planning and simulation software will help you to find the right crane, the right crane configuration and the best erection site in advance.

Different versions of heavy duty cranes – mobile versions and stationary cranes

Stationary heavy duty cranes

The classic tower crane can be seen on many construction sites. It is able to erect high-rise buildings on its own and can also load and unload a truck with building materials when required. This category also contains portal cranes, ship cranes, port cranes and offshore cranes.

Mobile heavy duty cranes

Mobile cranes which often change location are designed for easy transport and high mobility. This category includes mobile cranes which travel on their own chassis and are licensed for driving on roads – the all-terrain cranes. There are also crawler cranes which are transported to the site in individual components. There are also mobile cranes which are only used in specific industries, such as mobile dock cranes.

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