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The MK 140-5.1E mobile construction crane is a compact five-axle model that achieves a dimension of performance in this crane class that was previously reserved for equipment in higher axle classes. Thanks to the Hybrid Power Concept, which enables operation with site power, and the approval for HVO fuels, the crane is equipped for the future.

  • Standard - EN 14439

  • Lines - 2

  • Max. lifting capacity - 8,000 kg

  • Lifting capacity at max. radius - 1,900 kg

  • Max. hook height - 39.90 m

  • Luffed jib position - 70 °

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Lifting capacity at max. radius
1,900 kg
Max. radius
65 m
Max. lifting capacity
8,000 kg
EN 14439
Max. hook height
39.90 m
Luffed jib position
70 °
Hoist gear
24 kW FU
Slewing gear
7,5 kW FU
Trolley travel gear
6,0 kW FU
Max. hook height at luffed position
94.40 m
Drive engine
Drive engine/make
Drive engine/power
400 kW
Number of axles
Drive unit/Steering
10 x 6 x 10
Driving speed
80.00 km/h
Operating weight
60.00 t
Additional ballast
9.0 t