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MK 73-3.1E

Mobile construction crane

Mobilbaukran MK 73-3.1

The compact 3-axle crane is the answer to market demands for a small, compact and agile mobile construction crane that is extremely fast and flexible in operation. This crane is ready for use in around 10 minutes. Additional transport vehicles are not required for the MK 73-3.1E. The electrically operated crane can be supplied with site power or powered by its integrated generator. The single-engine concept, familiar from Liebherr’s mobile cranes, and its ECOmode feature ensure reliable travel and economical operation on site.

  • Standard - EN 14439

  • Lines - 2

  • Max. lifting capacity - 6,000 kg

  • Lifting capacity at max. radius - 2,000 kg

  • Max. hook height - 26.50 m

  • Luffed jib position - 0 / 15 / 30 / 45 °

Variable support

Two support widths of 5.75 m and 7.0 m, plus the option of half-sided support, enable operation in the smallest of spaces. Safeguarded via an automatic set-up status monitoring system.

Flexible slewing radius

Operates within compact support dimensions thanks to a minimal slewing radius of 3.3 m (without additional ballast). And only 3.5 m with additional ballast.

3 different ballast options

Two additional ballast options increase lifting capacity by up to 40 %.

Single-engine concept

The MK 73-3.1 only requires one engine for travel and operation thanks to its environmentally friendly ECOmode feature. This saves service time and costs.

Trolley-Plus – High-performance luffed positions

The optional, more powerful trolley increases lifting capacity at 15° and 45° by up to 50 %. This makes a maximum lifting capacity of 2800 kg possible in these jib positions.

Manoeuvrability in the tightest of spaces

Compact external dimensions combined with 5 steering modes make a minimal turning radius of 9.67 m possible.

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Technical data

Lifting capacity at max. radius
2,000 kg
Max. radius
38.5 m
Max. lifting capacity
6,000 kg
EN 14439
Max. hook height
26.50 m
Luffed jib position
0 / 15 / 30 / 45 °
Slewing radius
3.50 m
Hoist gear
18 kW FU
Slewing gear
4,0 kW FU
Trolley travel gear
5,5 kW FU
Max. hook height at luffed position
51.00 m
Drive engine
Drive engine/make
Drive engine/power
243 kW
Number of axles
Drive unit/Steering
6 x 4 x 6
Driving speed
80.00 km/h
Operating weight
36.00 t
Additional ballast
2.9 t

MK 73-3.1E