The organizational structure of the Group

Liebherr is an independent, wholly-owned family-run company, which is managed as a decentralised Group. Independently operating divisional control companies are responsible for the activities in the individual product segments. The parent company of the Group is Liebherr-International AG. It executes managerial, coordinating and monitoring functions. Country-specific activities are often bundled in cross-divisional sales and service companies.

This structure guarantees unity on key company issues and allows the Group to be able to react flexibly and quickly to market signals in the global market.


Central parent company

The central parent company of the Liebherr Group is Liebherr-International AG in Bulle, Switzerland. The top executive body of this Swiss company is the Administrative Board. It executes both management and controlling functions. As members of the Administrative Board, the active shareholders of the Liebherr family form a board. It makes decisions on all fundamental issues of corporate, development and product policy, as well as financial and investment policy.


The central departments of Liebherr-International AG include Finance and Accounting, Audit, Human Resources, Communication and Brand Management, Organisation and IT, Materials Management, Legal and Insurance, Compliance Management and Tax, as well as Technology and Digitisation. The departments are concentrated in central areas.

Independently operating business units

The product portfolio of the Group includes 13 product segments. Independently operating divisional control companies are responsible for their operational management. Accordingly, Research and Development, Production, Marketing or Sales for individual product segments are also decentralised. The diversified product portfolio and the decentralised company structure with its independently operating business units allow Liebherr to be able to respond flexibly to market signals in the face of global competition. The structure of the Group makes the company independent of economic fluctuations in individual industries or markets.