Concrete technology

In the concrete technology product segment, Liebherr recorded a turnover of € 253 million in the 2022 business year, representing an increase of € 34 million or 15.5 % year-on-year.

Development compared to previous year
Turnover in € m
from 219

+ 15.5%

Investments in € m
from 11

± 0

from 1,820

+ 0.7%

Turnover by sales regions

  • 41.5%

    European Union

  • 16.2%

    Non-EU countries

  • 7.5%

    North America

  • 11.9%

    Central and South America

  • 6.7%

    Asia and Oceania

  • 16.2%

    Africa, Near and Middle East


Visible economic effects

In the first half of 2022, Liebherr experienced a significant drop in demand in concrete technology. This was mainly due to global price increases and delivery bottlenecks in the construction industry. Nevertheless, thanks to highly positive business development in the second half of the year, the Group succeeded in building on the growth of the previous year.

Thanks to positive growth in Germany, Austria and France, turnover in the European Union developed positively. In the non-EU countries, turnover increases were recorded primarily in the United Kingdom and Switzerland. In the North, Central and South America regions, Liebherr achieved strong growth in Canada, the USA and Brazil. Thanks to good sales figures in Saudi Arabia, business development in the Africa, Near and Middle East region was also positive. In contrast, the continuing decline in the Chinese market was the main reason for the decline in turnover in Asia and Oceania.

Global turnover increased sharply, especially in concrete pumps and in sensor technology. Turnover with truck mixers and mixing plants increased moderately compared to the previous business year.

The configurable modular systems for mixing plants are based on standard components and ensure maximum customer benefit at lower overall costs.

Emission savings in focus

A highlight in the concrete technology segment was the pre-series production of the first hybrid truck mixer with conventional truck drive and battery-powered HTM body. The presentation of the new generation of mixing plants at Bauma in Munich (Germany) was another milestone. The Betomix and Mobilmix series are based on an innovative modular system and replace several predecessor series. The modularity of the new mixing plants offers customers an individually tailored solution. The new editions also have improved drives, delivering energy savings of up to 30 %. They also have a higher dosing accuracy, which means that up to 7.5 kg of cement can be saved per m3 of concrete.

In 2022, development activities focused on control technology. The main focus was on optimising systems and processes through data collection and processing. In addition, work was done on a hybrid drive for truck-mounted concrete pumps.

Plant investment activities focused on measures to improve energy efficiency. Photovoltaic systems and new heating systems were installed at various sites in order to reduce their energy consumption and CO2 footprint.

Thanks to its healthy order volume, Liebherr expects turnover in the concrete technology segment to increase in 2023. However, this primarily depends on a stable material supply.