Hlajenje in zamrzovanje

Pogosta vprašanja o partnerski mreži rešitev za pametni dom

Poiščite pogosta vprašanja in odgovore o funkcijah SmartDevice s pomočjo različnih storitev za pametni dom.

Amazon Alexa

Glede na funkcije, ki jih ima vaša naprava Liebherr, je z Alexo mogoče upravljati naslednje funkcije:

  • Temperatura hladilnika/zamrzovalnika/predala za vino
  • SuperCool
  • SuperFrost
  • IceMaker
  • BottleTimer

  • Napravo povežite z aplikacijo Liebherr SmartDevice.
  • Prenesite aplikacijo Alexa in poiščite znanje »Liebherr SmartDevice«
  • Vključite znanje
  • Vnesti boste morali prijavne podatke za svoj račun MyLiebherr.
  • Ko bo Amazon Alexa povezana z računom MyLiebherr, se vaše naprave samodejno sinhronizirajo. Izberite naprave, ki jih želite upravljati z Alexo.

Aparat mora imeti enobeseden vzdevek. Prav tako ne sme vsebovati številk ali posebnih znakov. Boljša so kratka imena.

Ste spremenili ime svojega aparata v aplikaciji SmartDevice? Zaprite in ponovno zaženite aplikacijo Alexa, da se sinhronizira.

Alexa ne mara našega opisa funkcije »MaxIce«. Alexi lahko naročite, naj nastavi IceMaker na »maksimum« ali »maks«.

Alexa pri nastavljanju temperature (razen v aparatih z več območji za vino) najbolje razume, če ji poveste aparat, katerega temperaturo želite spremeniti, ne pa tudi območja.

Ko boste izbrali želeno temperaturo, bo Alexa vedela, katero v katerem območju jo mora spremeniti.

Primer: »Alexa, set the temperature of Fridge to 5°« ali »Alexa, set the temperature of Fridge to minus 18°«.

Ker je »timer« zelo splošna beseda, Alexa ne razume, če jo vprašate zgolj z besedo »BottleTimer«. Če želite izvedeti, ali je časovnik BottleTimer še vedno vključen, vprašajte, v kakšnem stanju ali načinu je funkcija BottleTimer.

Primer: »Alexa, what’s the BottleTimer status of Fridge?«

Alexa, activate SuperCool

Alexa, deactivate SuperCool

Alexa, is SuperCool on?

Alexa, is SuperCool off?

Alexa, activate SuperCool in the fridge

Alexa, deactivate SuperCool in the fridge

Alexa, is SuperCool on in the fridge?

Alexa, is SuperCool off in the fridge?

Alexa, activate SuperFrost

Alexa, deactivate SuperFrost

Alexa, is SuperFrost on?

Alexa, is SuperFrost off?

Alexa, activate SuperFrost in the fridge

Alexa, deactivate SuperFrost in the fridge

Alexa, is SuperFrost on in the fridge?

Alexa, is SuperFrost off in the fridge?

Alexa, activate BottleTimer

Alexa, deactivate BottleTimer

What is the BottleTimer mode?

Alexa, activate BottleTimer in Fridge

Alexa, deactivate BottleTimer in Fridge

Alexa, what is the BottleTimer mode in Fridge?

Alexa, turn IceMaker on

Alexa, turn IceMaker off

Alexa, set IceMaker to Active

Alexa, set IceMaker to MaxIce

Alexa, set IceMaker to Off

Alexa, set IceMaker to Inactive

Alexa, is IceMaker on?

Alexa, is IceMaker off?

Alexa, turn IceMaker on in Fridge

Alexa, turn IceMaker off in Fridge

Alexa, set IceMaker to Active in Fridge

Alexa, set IceMaker to MaxIce in Fridge

Alexa, set IceMaker to Max in Fridge

Alexa, set IceMaker to Off in Fridge

Alexa, set IceMaker to Inactive in Fridge

Alexa, is IceMaker on in Fridge?

Alexa, is IceMaker off in Fridge?

Alexa, set the temperature to 5

Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature to 5

Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature to minimum

Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature to maximum

Alexa, increase fridge compartment temperature

Alexa, reduce fridge compartment temperature

Alexa, what’s the fridge compartment temperature?

Alexa, set the temperature of Fridge to 5

Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to 5

Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to minimum

Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to maximum

Alexa, adjust the temperature of Fridge to 5

Alexa, adjust the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to 5

Alexa, adjust the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to minimum

Alexa, adjust the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to maximum

Alexa, increase fridge compartment temperature of Fridge

Alexa, reduce fridge compartment temperature of Fridge

Alexa, what’s the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge?

Alexa, set the temperature of Fridge to minus 20

Alexa, set the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge to minimum

Alexa, set the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge to maximum

Alexa, adjust the temperature of Fridge to 5

Alexa, adjust the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge to minimum

Alexa, adjust the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge to maximum

Alexa, increase freezer compartment temperature of Fridge

Alexa, reduce freezer compartment temperature of Fridge

Alexa, what’s the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge?

Alexa, set wine compartment temperature to 7

Alexa, set wine compartment temperature to maximum

Alexa, set wine compartment temperature to minimum

Alexa, set the wine compartment temperature to 7

Alexa, set the wine compartment temperature to maximum

Alexa, set the wine compartment temperature to minimum

Alexa, increase wine compartment temperature

Alexa, reduce wine compartment temperature