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Știri și comunicate de presă

  • 05.03.2025Press releases

    New pre-used crane for Universal Cranes: LTR 11200 modernises level crossing

    With the LTR 11200, Universal Cranes is adding a completely overhauled pre-used crane to its fleet. One of the telescopic crawler crane’s first jobs for the Australian crane hire company was during the modernisation of a railway crossing in Brisbane, where it successfully installed bridge girders and thus mastered the challenges of a complex infrastructure project.

  • 05.03.2025Press releases

    Liebherr-Australia and Roy Hill announce new partnership

    On 11 February, executives from Liebherr-Australia and Roy Hill came together to commemorate the new partnership between the two companies. The celebrations included the handover of an R 9800 excavator that had both its bucket and counterweight painted pink to highlight the role the machine will play in supporting women and families battling the scourge of breast cancer.

  • 05.03.2025News

    Where there’s a will, there’s a way

    When Ariane Figueiro first applied to work with Liebherr Brasil, it was against the advice of her loved ones. Taking a paid position meant giving up the disability pension she had been receiving since she was two years old. But Ariane was determined. So she took a position in Liebherr Brasil’s IT department in 2013 and never looked back!

  • 03.03.2025Press releases

    Bridge demolition: Swiss giant creates “clear conditions” in Hanau

    At some point, it had to happen. After many years of preparation, the experts at the construction company Max Wild in Berkheim bei Memmingen, the crane hire company Emil Egger in St. Gallen, the building authority of the City of Hanau, Deutsche Bahn and other stakeholders completed the concept for the demolition of the Eisenstrassenbrücke, which had been built in 1959 at the western end of the main railway station in Hanau. In the week before Christmas, work commenced and the first section of the bridge was demolished.

  • 03.03.2025News

    All together in one place: the new Parts Shop from Liebherr

    From March 10, 2025, Liebherr is launching its new Parts Shop, which replaces all former spare part shops and brings the entire range under one virtual roof. The shop is linked with other popular services from MyLiebherr and has a modern user interface.

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