Često postavljana pitanja o našim partnerima za pametni dom
Pronađite pitanja i odgovore o funkcijama aplikacije SmartDevice putem različitih usluga za pametni dom.
Amazon Alexa
Ovisno o funkcijama dostupnima uz vaš Liebherr rashladni uređaj, sljedeće funkcije mogu se aktivirati putem naredbi za značajku Alexa:
- Temperatura pretinca za hlađenje / zamrzavanje / vino
- SuperCool
- SuperFrost
- IceMaker
- BottleTimer
- Povežite uređaj s Liebherrovom aplikacijom SmartDevice.
- Preuzmite aplikaciju Alexa i potražite vještinu „Liebherr SmartDevice”
- Aktivirajte vještinu
- Od vas će se tražiti da unesete svoje podatke za prijavu na MyLiebherr.
- Kad se Amazon Alexa poveže s vašim MyLiebherr računom, vaši uređaji automatski će se sinkronizirati. Odaberite uređaje kojima želite upravljati s pomoću značajke Alexa.
Vaš uređaj mora imati nadimak od jedne riječi. Ne smije sadržavati brojeve ni posebne znakove. Bolji su kratki nazivi.
Jeste li promijenili naziv uređaja u aplikaciji SmartDevice? Zatvorite i ponovno otvorite aplikaciju Alexa kako biste je sinkronizirali.
Alexi se ne sviđa naš opis značajke „MaxIce”. Alexi možete reći da postavi IceMaker na maksimum.
Pri prilagođavanju temperature (osim za višezonske uređaje za vino) Alexa najbolje razumije ako joj kažete uređaj čiju temperaturu želite promijeniti, ali nemojte joj reći željenu zonu.
Temperatura koju odaberete dat će Alexi do znanja koju zonu treba promijeniti.
Primjer: „Alexa, set the temperature of Fridge to 5°” ili „Alexa, set the temperature of Fridge to minus 18”
Budući da je „Timer” vrlo općenita riječ, Alexa ne razumije ako samo kažete „BottleTimer” kada je nešto pitate. Ako želite znati je li vaš BottleTimer još uvijek aktivan ili je završio sradom, možete pitati za status ili način rada značajke BottleTimer.
Primjer: „Alexa, what’s the BottleTimer status of Fridge?”
Alexa, activate SuperCool
Alexa, deactivate SuperCool
Alexa, is SuperCool on?
Alexa, is SuperCool off?
Alexa, activate SuperCool in the fridge
Alexa, deactivate SuperCool in the fridge
Alexa, is SuperCool on in the fridge?
Alexa, is SuperCool off in the fridge?
Alexa, activate SuperFrost
Alexa, deactivate SuperFrost
Alexa, is SuperFrost on?
Alexa, is SuperFrost off?
Alexa, activate SuperFrost in the fridge
Alexa, deactivate SuperFrost in the fridge
Alexa, is SuperFrost on in the fridge?
Alexa, is SuperFrost off in the fridge?
Alexa, activate BottleTimer
Alexa, deactivate BottleTimer
What is the BottleTimer mode?
Alexa, activate BottleTimer in Fridge
Alexa, deactivate BottleTimer in Fridge
Alexa, what is the BottleTimer mode in Fridge?
Alexa, turn IceMaker on
Alexa, turn IceMaker off
Alexa, set IceMaker to Active
Alexa, set IceMaker to MaxIce
Alexa, set IceMaker to Off
Alexa, set IceMaker to Inactive
Alexa, is IceMaker on?
Alexa, is IceMaker off?
Alexa, turn IceMaker on in Fridge
Alexa, turn IceMaker off in Fridge
Alexa, set IceMaker to Active in Fridge
Alexa, set IceMaker to MaxIce in Fridge
Alexa, set IceMaker to Max in Fridge
Alexa, set IceMaker to Off in Fridge
Alexa, set IceMaker to Inactive in Fridge
Alexa, is IceMaker on in Fridge?
Alexa, is IceMaker off in Fridge?
Alexa, set the temperature to 5
Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature to 5
Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature to minimum
Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature to maximum
Alexa, increase fridge compartment temperature
Alexa, reduce fridge compartment temperature
Alexa, what’s the fridge compartment temperature?
Alexa, set the temperature of Fridge to 5
Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to 5
Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to minimum
Alexa, set the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to maximum
Alexa, adjust the temperature of Fridge to 5
Alexa, adjust the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to 5
Alexa, adjust the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to minimum
Alexa, adjust the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge to maximum
Alexa, increase fridge compartment temperature of Fridge
Alexa, reduce fridge compartment temperature of Fridge
Alexa, what’s the fridge compartment temperature of Fridge?
Alexa, set the temperature of Fridge to minus 20
Alexa, set the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge to minimum
Alexa, set the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge to maximum
Alexa, adjust the temperature of Fridge to 5
Alexa, adjust the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge to minimum
Alexa, adjust the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge to maximum
Alexa, increase freezer compartment temperature of Fridge
Alexa, reduce freezer compartment temperature of Fridge
Alexa, what’s the freezer compartment temperature of Fridge?
Alexa, set wine compartment temperature to 7
Alexa, set wine compartment temperature to maximum
Alexa, set wine compartment temperature to minimum
Alexa, set the wine compartment temperature to 7
Alexa, set the wine compartment temperature to maximum
Alexa, set the wine compartment temperature to minimum
Alexa, increase wine compartment temperature
Alexa, reduce wine compartment temperature