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El mundo, made with Liebherr:

Ya sea una obra nueva o una renovación, nuestras grúas móviles y sobre orugas forman parte de la acción en todo el mundo. Muestran sus habilidades tanto en izajes espectaculares como en los cotidianos. Estamos orgullosos de poder mostrarle algunos ejemplos de lo que es "Hecho con Liebherr".

Made with Liebherr 2024

Son levantadoras de pesas, constructoras de puentes, facilitadoras, salvadoras y a veces creadoras de arte. Sustituyen lo viejo por lo nuevo y sin ellas la revolución energética no sería posible. Las grúas Liebherr llevan al hombro lo cotidiano y lo extraordinario.

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Made with Liebherr 2023

Magníficos edificios llenos de historia, famosos recintos culturales o estadios en los que miles de personas quedan hipnotizadas por los juegos y conciertos. En resumen: lugares que nos emocionan a todos y que dejan huella. Y lugares de los que también podemos decir con orgullo: Made with Liebherr.

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Made with Liebherr 2022

Famosos cascos antiguos y edificios espectaculares, importantes infraestructuras de comunicación o simplemente lugares para el deporte y la recreación: las grúas Liebherr gozan de una gran demanda cuando se trata de construir, transformar o reformar. Por lo tanto, también podemos afirmar: Made with Liebherr.

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Made with Liebherr 2021

Mobile and crawler cranes from Liebherr are in action every day on behalf of horse fans, history buffs, efficiency experts, churchgoers, art lovers, train drivers, crane fans and many more. A very wide range of structures has been and continues to be created all over the world – made with Liebherr.

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Made with Liebherr 2020

A mobile crane visited the Koi Nobori festival on the occasion of the friendship between Kaiserslautern and Bunkyō (Tokyo district). A 100 m long silk dragon, representing a Japanese Koi carp, fluttered on the boom of the LTM 1500-8.1. In Paris on the Eiffel Tower a boat was exhibited in 2017 on the gallery for charity. An LTM 1300-6.2 lifted the boat in a nightly job on the first floor of the landmark. The Hong Kong big wheel was opened in 2014. Three mobile cranes from Liebherr played a major role in the erection of the wheel.

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Made with Liebherr 2019

In São Paulo, Brazil, two mobile cranes were in action installing a metal structure of the bell tower at national treasure of Nossa Senhora Aparecida. It gets emotional in Dortmund's Signal Iduna Park when the "Yellow Wall" supports its team. An LG 1550 played a major role in the construction of the stadium. It's going to be gigantic in Rostock at the port: an LTM 11200-9.1 together with an LG 1750 positioned the top section of the boom of the new rail-mounted heavy-duty crane TCC 78000. In Dresden, the dome of the reconstructed Frauenkirche was put on by an LG 1550 in summer 2004. Large wooden benches were mounted by an LTM 1070-4.1 in Hamburg's HafenCity and an LTC 1045-3.1 is winding its way through the narrow walls of the mediaeval fortress Cité de Carcassonne in southern France.

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Made with Liebherr 2018

For restoration work on Cologne Cathedral, an LTM 1500-8.1 and an LTM 1750-9.1 installed and removed giant hanging scaffolds. From Germany, the journey continues to Dubai: Our strongest crawler crane, the LR 13000, is of course a must for the construction of the world's largest Ferris wheel, the Ain Dubai. Finally a side trip to the Meyer shipyard in Papenburg. Here an LTM 1130-5.1 was used to complete the AIDAsol.

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