
The Liebherr Supplier Portal is an important milestone on our journey into the future.

It raises collaboration between the Liebherr Group and its suppliers on a new basis.You can find out more about the portal and its modules here. Read through the short version, delve into the details or check out the online video. Have fun exploring!

The main points in just two minutes

Digitally networked. Personally connected. Find out what this means for our cooperation with suppliers.


The Liebherr Supplier Portal

Read a brief account of how you can take great strides into the future.

Additional information on other modules is on the following pages.


Exactly how the Supplier Portal works, what the central tendering tool “RFQ” is all about and what advantages you have as a supplier:

We have summarised the most important information for you in just a few short pages. This presentation is also ideal for introducing the concept to your colleagues.


Frequently asked questions

Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Supplier Portal and the RFQ tendering module here.

Please address any other questions or concerns to your personal contact partner.