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Contact us at Liebherr-Components

Contact us! We are happy to answer your questions regarding our components and provide you with an individual offer.

Are you looking for components as spare parts for your Liebherr machine? In this case, please contact your application-specific service partner.

  • Liebherr-Components contact form

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  • With your click on “Send” we, Liebherr-International Deutschland GmbH, Hans-Liebherr-Straße 45, D-88400 Biberach an der Riß, will transmit your data collected with the form to Liebherr-Components AG, Kirchweg 46, CH-5415 Nussbaumen AG. For further processing of your data, the addressee is responsible.

    The addressee processes your data for the purpose of replying to and further handling of your message or enquiry and, where appropriate, contacting you (performance of contract). For details on the further processing of your data, please refer to the privacy policy of the adressee.

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