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News | 12/02/2014

Liebherr wins “Favourite Brand Gold” award

Liebherr was recently honoured with the popular “Favourite Brand Gold - The Consumer’s Choice” award. The award is presented to companies and brands which receive the “Kitchen Innovation of the Year” prize from the independent organisation Lifecare three years in succession with three different products. In the years 2012 to 2014, Liebherr won the prize for the WTes 5872 multi-temperature wine cabinet in the categories of functionality/user convenience and design, for the ICBP 3256 refrigerator/freezer in the categories of functionality/user convenience, innovation, product benefit, design and ecology/sustainability, and for the IKBP 3554 combined refrigerator/freezer in the categories of functionality/user convenience, innovation, product benefit, design and ecology/sustainability.

The “Favourite brand” award is a mark of quality and the highest recognition companies can receive as part of the “Kitchen Innovation of the year” consumer award, and was presented for only the second time in 2014. It serves to honour excellent consumer orientation and brand strength. By awarding the “Kitchen Innovation” prize, Lifecare hopes to help consumers in their choice of products, as well as to promote awareness of innovation and quality.