Data protection information for virtual consultation appointments

1. General

1.1 What does this data protection information relate to?

The protection and security of your personal data is extremely important to us. It is therefore important to us to inform you about the personal data we collect from you, the purposes for which we process it and the rights you have in relation to it.

1.2 What is personal data and what does processing mean?

“Personal data” (hereinafter also referred to as “data”) is any information that says something about a natural person. Personal data is not only information that makes a direct reference to a specific person (such as their name or email address), but also information which, given appropriate additional knowledge, can be linked to a specific person.
“Processing” means any action carried out with your personal data (such as collection, recording, organisation, ordering, storage, use or deletion of data).

2. Data processing

2.1 Who is the controller for the processing of your data?

The controller for the processing of your data is Liebherr-Hausgeräte Lienz GmbH, Dr.-Hans-Liebherr-Straße 1, 9900 Lienz, Austria; email: [email protected].

2.2 What data do we process and for which purpose?

When you register for a virtual consultation appointment, we collect the following data:
Your first and last name
Your email address
Your phone number
Date and time of your appointment

This data is only processed for the following purposes:
Personalising, scheduling and conducting your virtual consultation appointment

2.3 What is the legal basis for collecting your data?

As a rule, unless specific legal provisions are indicated, the legal basis for collecting your data is Article 6 GDPR. Your data is processed on the basis of a balancing of interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

Our legitimate interests are:
Provision of the contact form for conducting a virtual consultation appointment, in order to answer questions and respond to feedback from interested parties and customers concerning our products.

When we process your data on the basis of a balancing of interests, you have the right to object to this processing on the basis of the provisions of Article 21 GDPR.
We process your data only to the extent necessary to fulfil the above-specified purposes.

2.4 What categories of your data do we transfer, to whom do we transmit them and for what purpose?

We may transfer your data to:
Other Liebherr companies in the sector and affiliated companies, for the purposes of marketing of/commerce in cooling and refrigeration appliances, provision of maintenance and repair services on such appliances and other customer services, in so far as this is required in order to initiate, execute or terminate a contract or there exists, for our part, a legitimate interest in the transfer that is not outweighed by your overriding legitimate interest;
Courts, arbitrators, authorities or legal advisers, if this is necessary in order to comply with the applicable law or to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

2.5 Are your data processed outside the European Union?

A transfer of data to locations in countries outside the European Union (‘third countries’) is only permissible (1) if you have provided us your consent, or (2) if the European Commission has decided that there exists an adequate level of protection in a third country (Article 45 GDPR). If the Commission has reached no such decision, we may only transfer your data to third parties located in a third country if suitable guarantees are in place (e.g. standard data protection clauses accepted by the Commission or the supervisory authorities in a specific procedure) and the enforcement of your rights as a data subject is ensured, or the transfer is permissible in an individual case on the basis of other particular circumstances (Article 49 GDPR).

2.6 When do we delete or anonymise your data?

We process your data for as long as this is necessary for the respective purpose, unless you have effectively objected to the processing of your data or effectively withdrawn any consent you may have granted.
If statutory retention obligations exist – for example, under tax or commercial law – we must store the data concerned for the duration of the retention obligation. After the expiry of the retention obligation, we check whether there is any further need for processing. If there is no longer any necessity, your data will be deleted.

2.7 To what extent do we perform automated decision-making in indvidual cases?

In the process of establishing and conducting the business relationship, we do not make use of any fully automated decision-making within the meaning of Article 22 GDPR. Should we use this method in individual cases, we will inform you of it separately, insofar as this is required by law.

3 Data security

We use technical and organisational security measures to ensure that your data is protected from loss, incorrect changes or unauthorised access by third parties. In any event, only authorised persons have access to your data on our side, and only to the extent that it is required within the scope of the above-specified purposes.

4 Data subject rights and right of appeal

Within the provisions of the legislation, you have the right to:
Receive information about your data;
Have incorrect data corrected and incomplete data completed;
Have your data deleted, particularly if (1) it is no longer required for the purposes stated in this privacy policy (2) you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing, (3) your data has been processed unlawfully or (4) you have objected to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;
Restrict the processing of your data, particularly if you contest the accuracy of the data or the processing of your data is unlawful and you request restriction of use instead of deletion;
Receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to have us transfer your data directly to another data controller.

Please note that the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of your consent up until then.
When asserting these rights, please note that we may require proof that you are the person you are presenting yourself as.
In addition, you have a right of appeal to the responsible supervisory authority.

5 Who is my contact person for data protection queries and how can I contact them?

Please direct any queries concerning data protection to:
Sinan Sen
Company Data Protection Officer
Liebherr-IT Services GmbH
St. Vitus 1
88457 Oberopfingen/Kirchdorf an der Iller
Email: [email protected]

Version: October 2020