News | 03/08/2017

ProCold Award honours Liebherr as innovation leader

Liebherr Domestic Appliances received two of the awards for energy-saving and environmentally friendly fridge and freezer units in the commercial sector. The FKDPv 4503 bottle cooler and the GTEP 3302 ice-cream chest freezer were awarded at EuroShop 2017 in Düsseldorf.

"The award makes us very proud and is a wonderful acknowledgement of our innovative strength", happily states Lucas Nerud, Managing Director of Liebherr-Hausgeräte Lienz GmbH. "With the ProCold competition we were able to impressively demonstrate that active promotion of fridge and freezer units with significantly lower power consumption and the omission of refrigerants which are harmful to the environment pays off." On 7 March Lucas Nerud and Martin Plankensteiner accepted the award on behalf of the Liebherr Group in the ECOpark Forum in Düsseldorf. The low daily energy consumption in conjunction with environmentally friendly refrigerants is characteristic of the two Liebherr appliances.

The ProCold competition, which is open to all leading European manufacturers, was launched at the start of 2016. From January to September 2016 the competition entries were evaluated and tested in five categories. Based on this evaluation, the ProCold winners were then chosen by a high-ranking jury and honoured within the framework of EuroShop 2017 in Düsseldorf.

ProCold, which was initiated by the EU Commission, is financed by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and aims to increase both the production of and demand for efficient cooling appliances and thus improve the market share of efficient cooling appliances for the commercial sector.