
Moments of success which stay connected with the name Liebherr

Ramona Adam-Heinrich | Software and Control Developer

She has a passion for the unseen – namely for the software deep in the heart of Liebherr machines

It is thanks to Ramona Adam-Heinrich’s developer expertise that the crawler tractors and crawler loaders first come to life. She was actively involved in turning a previously hydraulic process into an electronically controlled process. Something like this can be highly emotional, as the Software and Control Developer found out at a very special moment: after a six-month development phase, the new controller for a machine was put into service.

I feel part of the big family.

Ramona Adam-Heinrich

“Liebherr makes it easy to settle in – I really feel part of the big family. This is down to the people and the interesting tasks. Liebherr products are usually developed and produced as a whole in one factory. As a result, one follows the individual steps of the development process and develops a personal connection to the machines. One knows how much skill, creativity and passion has been invested in the product. It is a nice thought that the software I developed brings the machines to life.

By the way, from a technical aspect it is a very exciting and complex task. In order to develop, for example, the software for controlling crawler tractors and crawler loaders, it is necessary to know the properties and links between the different subsystems - hydraulics, electrics and mechanics. My first software was used to control machine functions, which were implemented by purely hydraulic means in the last forty years. The control system had to be extended accordingly and the electrics and hydraulics had to be coordinated. After six months of designing, programming and testing, my control system was put into operation on a machine under the watchful eyes of my colleagues – and worked as required. A beautiful moment of success, which I will always associate with the name Liebherr.”