News | 02/05/2020

Experts’ Meeting: the Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse’s recruitment event

Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse organizes its third edition of its recruitment event Experts’ Meeting, on February 24, 2020, at the museum l’Envol des Pionniers in Toulouse.

This event has been created on 2019, in order to sustain the company’s development and to attract new candidates by offering them an unprecedented experience. During the evening, candidates can hold recruitment interviews, meet our Experts, discover our products around a showroom and visit the museum.

An innovative experience appreciated by the candidates, as witnessed by Alberto Toussaint, Partner Product Designer, recruited during the second edition: “Experts’ Meeting was a whole new experience for me. Getting out of the traditional recruitment frame with the video application and speed dating allowed me to better highlight my career path. Spontaneously answering questions in video can be impressive at first, but it is ultimately a great tool when it is difficult to demonstrate all your motivation with a simple letter. It was also very nice to discover the company thanks to the exchanges with the Experts present during the evening.”

To participate to the third edition of Experts’ Meeting, go to Visiotalent and submit your video application until February 9, 2020. The positions are available on a wide variety of activities: Purchasing, Automatics, Software Design, Electro mechanics, Electronics, Computer Science, Mechanics, Mechatronics, Quality, Customer Support and Thermal.