
Change at the Touch of a Button

Darshan Naganna | Windchill System Administrator

For Darshan Naganna, coming to Liebherr was a big step

From India to Germany and from the big city to a rural region. But he found a new home at Liebherr, both professionally and privately. He likes how his colleagues greet him with “servus!” every morning.

One special highlight for me is the interdepartmental meeting. Over two days, employees from around the world get together and discuss new ideas and innovations. I see this meeting as a great opportunity to focus on new visions and make things happen together.

He has not given up the wider world.

Together with an international team, the Windchill System Administrator makes data available at all kinds of locations worldwide, saving time and speeding up processes. And if something does not go as planned, he can fix the problem at the touch of a button. Simply fascinating, as he says.

We are internationally networked, developing solutions for the future. I am proud to be able to contribute to global process automation at Liebherr.

Darshan Naganna

“Servus! – That is my favourite word in German. It is how I am greeted each morning when I arrive at work. Originally I left India and came to Europe for professional reasons. Previously I was always based in big cities, but now I am working in a rural location with Liebherr. My family and I have found a new home for ourselves here in this small town. And I feel happy at work too, not only in my personal life. Being part of an international team with a wide variety of tasks never gets boring. To me, Liebherr as an employer represents innovation and efficiency.


The Liebherr world is highly complex – especially from a data point of view. All kinds of products are made at many different locations, and vast amounts of data are collected. But often the same calculations are made or the same datasets are needed. There is great potential here, that we have recognised, and are now utilising via a global data system. And that is exactly where my job comes in: as a Windchill System Administrator, my role is to make all product data that is needed by multiple teams accessible via a central system. Faster access to information saves time and makes processes more efficient.

My responsibilities also include providing the support system for Liebherr, and troubleshooting worldwide. What I find particularly fascinating is that I can change so much at the touch of a button, just by moving a finger!"