Liebherr MK 140 mobile construction crane in a dizzying height
The five-axle machine features an enormous range and high lifting capacities combined with compact dimensions. The MK 140 has already completed several jobs both in luffing mode and in trolley mode. One job completed by the Liebherr MK 140 mobile construction crane operated by Wiesbauer GmbH & Co. KG saw the EnBW City in Stuttgart receive new windows.

The crane was ready to start after less than an hour.
A hook height of 75 m and a hoisting load of around 750 kg were required for the job on the 65 m tower block. The crane was ready to start after less than an hour, including assembly, ballasting and conversion to luffing mode.
The small footprint of the mobile construction crane was a real benefit. The new VarioJib concept with its two modes, trolley mode (standard trolley movement mode) and luffing mode (adjustable jib mode) wasere extremely useful for this job. Luffing mode enables the luffed jib position to be adjusted infinitely when loaded between -20° and 70°. The hook heights of up to 94 m which can be achieved with this underline the great flexibility of the MK 140 for site use and are unique in this class.