R 9300 G8

The most efficient 250 t excavator

The R 9300 is a powerful piece of mining machinery. We have leveraged our engineering expertise and continuous improvement programs to deliver a reliable hydraulic excavator that’s built to thrive in challenging conditions found on mine sites. This machine, with its weight-optimised attachment, large bucket capacity, optimal force distribution, and fast cycle times, achieves up to 30% more productivity than other excavators within the 250-tonne class. Not to mention, the R 9300 gets the most productivity out of each drop of fuel thanks to the combination of its unique hydraulic design and our patented Liebherr Power Efficiency system. This innovative mining solution has 25% better fuel efficiency than its predecessor, the R 9250.

    R 9300 highlights:

    Reliability, our highest priority

    Liebherrʼs engineering expertise and continuous improvement programs combine to deliver industry leading machines.

    Up to 23% more productivity vs competition

    Higher productivity is the result of the R 9300’s weight optimised attachment, larger bucket capacity, optimal forces distribution, and fast cycle times.

    +25% Fuel efficiency

    The R 9300 gets the most out of each fuel drop thanks to its unique hydraulic design combined with the Liebherr Power Efficiency system.

    The performance of the R 9300 surpasses our expectations by far. All the newly installed features have definitely supported us in achieving continuous and peak productivity targets!

    Nahdi Asfahani - Director of Plant and Supply Chain of PT Karunia Armada Indonesia


    • R 9300 Product video

    • Introducing R 9300 G8

    • Watch Liebherr Bucket Solutions and Ground Engaging Tools!


    Technical data

    Machine gallery

    Minimise your carbon impact

    Optimise fuel consumption

    Liebherr's proprietary engine and hydraulic management system - Liebherr Power Efficiency (LPE) - comes as standard with the R 9300. With the LPE system, the excavator will only use the power and the hydraulic flow required for the task at hand, drastically reducing fuel consumption.


    • Up to 15% less fuel consumption
    • Maximise hydraulic efficiency
    • Reduce hydraulic throttling and load profile of the engine for increased component lifetime.

    Comply with latest emissions regulations

    The diesel engine in the R 9300 includes selective catalytic reduction technology to comply with latest emissions regulations. This allows the R 9300 to meet customer expectations while reducing emissions, without compromising productivity.

    E-drive option

    While we work on our R 9300 E version, we are still producing a 250-tonne electric excavator. Learn more!

    Excavator truck match*

    *Site-specific factors like loose material density, bucket size, fill factors, truck body size and payload capacity will influence pass match. Contact your local Liebherr sales and service company or sales partner for analysis of your site.