Corporate responsibility

As a global family-run company, Liebherr takes its responsibilities towards its employees, society and the environment very seriously. The family shareholders are always mindful of this: when making major decisions, they always consider its lasting impact on success and the long-term company development, placing importance on stability and dependability.


As an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable company, the Liebherr Group aims to provide innovative solutions and improve the quality of life of present and future generations through its Corporate Responsibility Strategy. The content framework for this is provided by the four central fields of action: products and services, environment and energy, employees and society, and sustainable management. Sub-topics have been defined for each of these fields of action. These serve as guidelines for establishing the individual Corporate Responsibility Strategies of Liebherr’s various product segments and companies.

In future, each of the four fields of action will have concrete, group-wide sustainability targets, key performance indicators and measures, which are currently being worked out and defined one by one across the disciplines.


The Corporate Responsibility Policy defines how Liebherr understands its corporate responsibility. It incorporates the fields of health, safety and environment, social responsibility and sustainable business practices. It applies to all Liebherr companies worldwide and supplements other guidelines and policies of the Liebherr Group, such as the Core Values or the Code of Conduct. The company is guided by the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption. Alongside this, the company also pursues the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations for social, economical and environmentally sustainable development.

Sustainability reporting

The Group is currently at work to establish an overarching sustainability report. A double materiality assessment was undertaken to identify the relevant topic areas before the first company-specific publication ‘Corporate Responsibility 2023’ was subsequently published. This provides an initial insight into the current Corporate Responsibility organisation and introduces associated core topics and tasks that the Group is currently taking on.

In future, sustainable business will continue to become more and more embedded in the Group. This includes Liebherr disclosing its activities by means of an obligatory annual sustainability report alongside other voluntary reports. The company wishes to fulfil this task with commitment and transparency and considers it another component of our corporate responsibility.